Sunday, May 19, 2013

We live on Sesame Street! (And our trip to Utah)

All of these photos are in chronological order, backwards starting with the latest.

Mtn. Man conversing with our zoo neighbor.

Llama face

I can hear better as a fox. 

The valiant meerkat

Lady Grantham says, "Happy Mother's Day!"

Our (mostly) tomato garden with marigolds and solar lanterns.

An evening bike ride through Simplot sports park

Miss Tami's Tea House and Cafe for Mother's Day Brunch!
He got that shirt at the thrift store, and he looks good in pink!

So happy to be home with his tree.

Sleeping on the way home.

Last hurrah with my sister in Midway.
Nap time on my old bed.

Breakfast with my friend Morgan at the Blue Plate Diner in Salt Lake.
My sister, attempting to plank at the airport after sending my brother off to China.

My brother as....Hitler?

Or Charlie Chaplin? (Don't worry, he shaved it off after I took the pictures!)

Sis and her prom date.
I got to do her hair and makeup for prom!

The whole town at Promenade in the high school gym.

Last minute work trip/vacation to Utah!